Based in Houston, Texas
Online & In-Person

Therapy for Phobias in Houston

Evidence-based phobia treatment for fast relief 

An intense fear grips you. You can’t move, your body is flooded with adrenaline. 

Logically, you know that the fear isn’t helping. And you might even think that it’s not normal to be afraid of this — maybe it's spiders, heights, or even something as ordinary as driving.

When asked about it, you might struggle to put into words exactly why you’re afraid.

But the bigger problem is: this fear is starting to limit your life. You wonder how much more you could do if you didn’t struggle with this fear.

girl crying from fear

The words, “just get over it” bounce through your mind, but, for whatever reason, “getting over it” feels like an impossible task. 

Here’s the truth: Your fears aren't irrational to you, even if others don't understand.

And: these intense fears might feel insurmountable, but they don't have to keep controlling your decisions or your life. 

With professional guidance and proven techniques from a phobia specialist, you can learn to face your fears step by step. 

Treatment is not about eliminating fear entirely, but about building the tools to manage your anxiety, challenge distorted thoughts, and gradually expand your comfort zone.

How we can help

Get matched with a therapist for phobia treatment

We're here to listen and support you. But when your phobia disrupts your life, you need more than just talk — you need effective, specialized treatment for phobias.

That's why our therapy for phobias in Houston prioritizes:


Quick matching

Connect with a phobia therapist in Houston. Research shows that the relationship between a client and their therapist is incredibly important for treatment outcomes. We help match you with the right therapist for you.


Evidence-based phobia treatments

Our treatment approaches are studied and proven to work!



We focus on helping you cope with and overcome your fear with solution focused and time limited therapy sessions. We will teach you how to become your own therapist.

Ready to take control of your phobias?

Take the first step: Fill out our brief questionnaire below, and we'll match you with the right specialist for your specific needs.


Phobias we've helped clients overcome

  • Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders. You might experience intense anxiety or panic at the sight of even small, harmless spiders.
  • Acrophobia - Fear of heights. This phobia can make activities like climbing stairs, using elevators, or even standing on balconies extremely distressing.
  • Aerophobia - Fear of flying. This common phobia can severely limit your travel options and career opportunities.
  • Claustrophobia - Fear of enclosed spaces. Elevators, crowded rooms, or large, full event spaces can trigger your panic.
  • Cynophobia - Fear of dogs. This phobia can make daily activities challenging for you, because dogs are everywhere.
  • Agoraphobia - Fear of being in a situation you can’t escape from or fear of panicking or feeling embarrassed in public. You might avoid public transportation, stores, or possibly even leaving home.
  • Emetophobia - Fear of vomiting or seeing other people vomit. This phobia can make eating, going to school or work, and being around others that may or may not be sick extremely difficult.
  • And many, many more


Questions about phobia treatment in Houston?

What is the best treatment for phobias?

What does therapy cost?

Do you take my insurance?

Where do sessions take place?

Do you offer online therapy?

Do I need to be a Texas resident to work with you?

How do I get started?

See your phobia therapist in-person in Houston or online in 42 states

For in-person sessions, our warm Houston office is located at 4306 Yoakum Boulevard, Suite 510. If you prefer to do your sessions online, you do not have to live in Houston or in Texas, as our psychologists are PsyPact Certified, which means we can provide telehealth services in most states.

Get started by filling out our short “get to know you” form below, and then you’ll be matched with a therapist in Houston or beyond.