Therapy for adults
Online & In-Person

When anxiety, OCD, or depression is disrupting your life — it's time to get help

We use evidence-based approaches that are proven to reduce symptoms of anxiety, OCD, and other related disorders. Just click the button below to get started with counseling for adults.

How you know you’re ready to see a mental health therapist

There’s no such thing as the “perfect time” — but there are some clear signs that coping on your own might not be enough ↓

Intense work-related anxiety

  • You feel overwhelmed by job responsibilities, and you can’t see a way out of the fog
  • You worry a lot about making mistakes or being judged by colleagues (it might even keep you up at night)
  • You have considered quitting your job or stopping work altogether just because of anxiety

More and more frequent panic attacks

  • You have physical symptoms during attacks, like nausea, feeling faint, and racing heart
  • You feel like you're "going crazy" during anxiety or panic attacks
  • You have started to avoid certain activities (like driving) because you’re worried about anxiety or panic

Noticing the long-term effects of anxiety

  • You almost feel "traumatized" by anxiety experiences, often worrying about when the anxiety will hit you again
  • You notice that your personality is different now due to chronic anxiety (maybe you use to be a social butterfly — now you stay in)
  • You can’t really remember what life was like before anxiety took hold

Taking a toll on your self-esteem 

  • You feel childish or less capable than peers because of anxiety
  • You struggle to make decisions or assert yourself
  • You have difficulty maintaining relationships due to anxiety
  • Your spouse or partner has told you that they think you should see someone

Can’t remember the last time you weren’t worried 

  • You’re constantly restless or on edge, no matter what
  • You can’t fall asleep easily (or you often wake up in the middle of the night)
  • You have frequent muscle tension, fatigue, headaches, or digestive issues that you think could be caused by anxiety
  • Your moods are all over the place — anxiety comes out of nowhere

Dealing with symptoms  of OCD 

  • You have a habit of checking behaviors (locks, appliances, social media)
  • You feel compelled to do mental rituals or counting to stop thoughts
  • You can’t help excessive cleaning or hand-washing
  • There’s some stuff you just avoid altogether because you know it’ll trigger an obsession
How we can help

It’s never too late to reclaim your life

Stop saying “I can’t….” and feel free to pursue life fully again. Here’s how our specialized therapy for anxiety can help:


Your first session

In your first session, a mental health therapist will evaluate what’s going on for you, and create a personalized, goal-oriented plan to help.


Evidence-based treatments

Come back for regular sessions with your therapist, either in Houston or therapy online, where we’ll use methods like CBT, ACT, or ERP to help them overcome your anxiety or OCD.


Relief & freedom!

As you use the techniques and strategies we show you, the weight of anxiety begins to lift. Our goal is to get you out of therapy and into living freely — like you truly deserve!

You don't have to figure this out alone

Imagine tackling work projects with confidence, not constant worry. Or being present during family time without intrusive thoughts or panic attacks. Or making life decisions based on your values, not your fears. 

This is the life that’s possible when you work with a specialized anxiety and OCD mental health therapist like ours.  

Whether it's career stress, health anxiety, or relationship concerns, we're here to help.

Convenient Appointment Options

A well-lit, bright, fun-looking therapy room at Houston Anxiety and Wellness Center with three windows, a gray couch, a bookshelf full of colorful books, and a kids station.
In-person appointments

In-person therapy for adults in Houston

4306 Yoakum Boulevard, Suite 510
Houston, Texas 77006
The door into the therapy room  at Houston Anxiety and Wellness Center with black sign that says "welcome, please knock!" on it.
Telehealth appointments

Online therapy for adults in 42 states

Our psychologists are PsyPact certified and can provide telehealth services in the following states: AL, AZ, AR, CNMI, CT, CO, DE, DC, GA, FL, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, ME, MD, MI, MN, MS, MO, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NC, ND, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, and WY.


It’s normal to have a million questions about counseling for adults

Let’s see if we can answer some of them for you right now!

What can I expect in therapy for adults?

What should I bring to my first session?

What does therapy cost?

Do you take my insurance?

Where do sessions take place?

Do you offer online therapy?

Do I need to be a Texas resident to work with you?

How do I get started?

Ready to stop saying I can't do that? 

Our Houston therapists help you find relief from your symptoms, feel understood and supported, follow a clear plan, and take back control of your life.